Join in the Dance

Join in the dance of the earth's jubilation!
This is the feast of the love of God.
Shout from the heights to the ends of creation:
Jesus the Savior is risen from the grave!

Wake, O people; sleep no longer:
greet the breaking day!
Christ, Redeemer, Lamb and Lion,
turns the night away!

Join in the dance of the earth's jubilation!
This is the feast of the love of God.
Shout from the heights to the ends of creation:
Jesus the Savior is risen from the grave!

All creation, like a mother,
labors to give birth.
Soon the pain will be forgotten,
joy for all the earth!

Join in the dance of the earth's jubilation!
This is the feast of the love of God.
Shout from the heights to the ends of creation:
Jesus the Savior is risen from the grave!

Now our shame becomes our glory
on this holy tree.
Now the reign of death is ended;
now we are set free!

Join in the dance of the earth's jubilation!
This is the feast of the love of God.
Shout from the heights to the ends of creation:
Jesus the Savior is risen from the grave!

None on earth, no prince or power,
neither death nor life,
nothing now can ever part us
from the love of Christ!

Join in the dance of the earth's jubilation!
This is the feast of the love of God.
Shout from the heights to the ends of creation:
Jesus the Savior is risen from the grave!

Love's triumphant day of vict'ry
heaven opens wide.
On the tree of hope and glory
death itself has died!

Join in the dance of the earth's jubilation!
This is the feast of the love of God.
Shout from the heights to the ends of creation:
Jesus the Savior is risen from the grave!

Christ forever, Lord of ages,
Love beyond our dreams:
Christ, our hope of heaven's glory,
all that yet will be!

Dan Schutte