He has called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.
Come, people of God, with joyful song,
Praise God the Father of all.
Baptized in Christ, reborn in him,
Our hearts are filled with joy.
He cleanses our sin,
Renewing our lives.
Church of God, chosen people, sing your praise to God.
He has called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.
The church is built with living stones
With Christ as cornerstone.
In him we trust who makes us one,
Uniting us in love.
We build on the rock
Of faith in Christ.
Church of God, chosen people, sing your praise to God.
He has called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.
As heirs of Christ, redeemed by love
We wait for his return;
A priestly people off'ring praise
To God, the source of hope.
For Jesus is Lord,
Our Saviour and God.
Church of God, chosen people, sing your praise to God.
He has called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.
As water springing from the rock
Once brought God's people life,
The living water giv'n by Christ
Creates our lives anew.
So come you who thirst
To springs of new life.
Church of God, chosen people, sing your praise to God.
He has called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.
We gather here to worship God,
Our eucharist to share.
We give him thanks and celebrate
The myst'ry of his love;
The Word is made flesh
And given for us.
Church of God, chosen people, sing your praise to God.
He has called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.
May fragrant smoke of incense rise
To fill this house of prayer.
May we who gather find true peace,
God's presence filling our lives.
Our hearts lift with praise,
Our lips sing in joy.
Church of God, chosen people, sing your praise to God.
He has called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.
The light of Christ has come to us
Dispelling all our fears.
His light reveals the path of life.
We follow him with joy,
The glory of God,
The light of the world.
Text: Sr. Pamela Stotter
Tune: Margaret Daly