Gather your people, O Lord.
One bread, one body, one spirit of love.
Gather your people, O Lord.
Draw us forth to the table of life: brothers and sisters,
each of us called to walk in your light.
Gather your people, O Lord.
Gather your people, O Lord.
One bread, one body, one spirit of love.
Gather your people, O Lord.
We are parts of the body of Christ, needing each other,
each of the gifts the Spirit provides.
Gather your people, O Lord.
Gather your people, O Lord.
One bread, one body, one spirit of love.
Gather your people, O Lord.
No more harm on the mountain of God: swords into plowshares.
Free us, O Lord, from hardness of heart.
Gather your people, O Lord.
Gather your people, O Lord.
One bread, one body, one spirit of love.
Gather your people, O Lord.
Wash us, Lord, in the waters of life: waters of mercy,
waters of hope that flow from your side.
1 Corinthians 12, Isaiah 2:3-4, 11:9
Bob Hurd